Declaration of Accessibility

Publication date: 15.10.2021
Last update: 10.03.2023

Section 1 - Mandatory Content

Regional Health Inspectorate – Silistra provides access to its website in accordance with Art.58c of the Law on Electronic Government and Art. 39 and 39a of the Ordinance on the general requirements for information systems, registers and electronic administrative services.

This Declaration of Accessibility applies to:

Website at:
Compliance with a standard that ensures accessible content: EN 301 549 V2.1.2 (2018-08)

I. Compliance Status

The content partially conforms to the requirements of the specified standard, due to identified inconsistencies and exceptions noted below.

II. Unavailable content

The non-conformities with the standard EN 301 549 V2.1.2 (2018-08) on the site of Regional Health Inspectorate – Silistra are described below in table Appendix 1.


Requirement of the standard


Text representation of non-text information

Partially ensured

In most cases it has been observed, with the exception of some multimedia elements (video clips, audio recordings, infographics, interactive elements - virtual guide in the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy)

Alternative presentation of the audio and video materials Not ensured
Alternative text representation of all time-based materials (audio, video and others) Not ensured
Presentation of text in the form of an image is excluded Partially ensured
Reserved except for infographics that imply content in graphic form
The presentation of text in the form of an image is excluded without exception Partially ensured
An exception is infographics, which imply content in graphic form
A mechanism is provided to detect and establish the meaning of terms, idiomatic expressions, jargon, etc Not ensured
A mechanism is provided for establishing the meaning of abbreviations and acronyms Not ensured
Data Entry Correction Assumptions Not ensured
Prevention of making mistakes when filling in data (possibility of review, confirmation and reversibility of the actions of adding, editing and deleting data) Not ensured

Note:   The table describes only those requirements of the standard that are not covered, partially covered or not applicable.

Alternatives available to access content:

Subtitles are provided for all pre-recorded audio and/or video content in synchronized media, except where the media represents an alternative representation of textual content and this is clearly indicated. Requirement of EN 301 549 V2.1.2 (2018-08)
The published video is accompanied by explanatory text as well as audio coverage.   

Date of initial preparation of the declaration:  10.03.2022 г.

Date of annual update (revision) of the declaration:   10.03.2022 г.

Date of update of the declaration after an evaluation and substantial revision of the website: 10.03.2022 г.


Method used to prepare the declaration: self-assessment compiled by the website owner

Feedback and contact details:


Reports of violations regarding the accessibility of this website can be submitted through:

  • The feedback form in the Contact section of the website; 
  • Email:
  • Phone: 086 / 816-119
  • The post office - at the address: 7500, Silistra, 82 "Peter Mutafchiev" St.


Progress of the signal review procedure:

  • The report is considered within two months of its receipt, and the response is also prepared within the same period, which contains a description of the actions taken and measures to remedy the accessibility violation and the period in which the specified accessibility violations will be removed, or motivated refusal, in cases where the request is considered groundless and illegal.
  • When the whistleblower has specified an email address, the response is sent signed with a qualified electronic signature certificate; when the signal is submitted via a Secure Electronic Delivery System, the response signed with a certificate of qualified electronic signature is returned via this system; in other cases – on paper, at the address indicated in the signal. When an incorrect or non-existent address is provided, the information is deemed to have been received from the date it was sent.

Address for providing feedback and suggestions regarding the accessibility of this website 
To provide feedback and suggestions regarding the accessibility of this website, you can use the following address: